
在本文中,我将发布一个脚本,该脚本使用Yahoo Finance的Bayer股票行情自动收录器从Quantmod查询金融股票数据。此外,我使用gtrendsR查询Google搜索强度数据,通过twitteR通过tweet查询,使用GuardianR通过Guardian新闻查询。所有与全球企业拜耳公司有关。我绘制这些数据集之间的关系,应用特征缩放和情感分析进行分析和更好的可视化。



rm(list=ls())              # 清除内存
library(GuardianR)         # 将Guardian新闻订阅源流式传输到模型的软件包
library(SentimentAnalysis) # 文本情感分析包vd
## Attaching package: 'SentimentAnalysis'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     write
library(dplyr)             # package for data manipulation 
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
library(ggplot2)           # 数据可视化软件包
library(quantmod)          # 用于对财务数据进行流传输和建模的软件包  
## Loading required package: xts
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Attaching package: 'xts'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     first, last
## Loading required package: TTR
## Version 0.4-0 included new data defaults. See ?getSymbols.
library(gtrendsR)          # 用于流式传输Google趋势数据的程序包
library(twitteR)           # 从Twitter查询推文的软件包
## Attaching package: 'twitteR'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     id, location


为此,我需要设置一个API密钥,在我的脚本中称为“ guardian_key”。v

设置好API密钥后,就可以阅读《卫报》的新闻供稿了。使用GuardianR软件包可以直接在ib R中完成。

news_df <- get_guardian("+Bayer+",from.date="2008-01-01",
                        to.date ="2019-05-14",
## [1] "Fetched page #1 of 1"

上面的Querry被简化了。对于高性能生产就绪的R脚本,我将应用正则表达式过滤掉包含BAYER术语但与BAYER AG企业无关的文章。

接下来,我们可以计算来自《卫报》的新闻报道的情绪。为此,我在R中应用了SentimentAnalysis程序包。情感分析方法是其自身的科学领域,并且仍在进行大量研究。在R中实现的大多数情感分析方法都使用某种将情感分数与单词匹配的库。另外,一组规则定义了如何对待单词组合。例如。 “不好”具有消极情绪,而“非常好”具有非常积极的情绪。

sentiment_df <- analyzeSentiment(as.character(news_df$body))
sentiment_df$date <- as.Date(as.character(news_df$webPublicationDate))



results_df <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(sentiment_df),ncol=0))
results_df$date <- sentiment_df$date

results_df$GI   <- sentiment_df$SentimentGI
results_df$LM   <- sentiment_df$SentimentLM
results_df$HE   <- sentiment_df$SentimentHE
results_df$QDAP <- sentiment_df$SentimentQDAP
results_df$mean <- (sentiment_df$SentimentGI+sentiment_df$SentimentHE+sentiment_df$SentimentLM+sentiment_df$SentimentQDAP)/4

plotable_df <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(results_df)*5,ncol=0))

plotable_df$date <- c(results_df$date,

plotable_df$score <- c(results_df$GI,

plotable_df$type <- c(rep("GI",times   = nrow(results_df)),
                      rep("LM",times   = nrow(results_df)),
                      rep("HE",times   = nrow(results_df)),
                      rep("QDAP",times = nrow(results_df)),
                      rep("mean",times = nrow(results_df)))

ggplot(plotable_df) + geom_smooth(mapping=aes(x=date,y=score,color=type)) + ggtitle("Sentiment content of BAYER articles on The Guardian") +
  xlab("Time") +
  ylab("Sentiment scores")
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'
Digital trace data streaming - comparison of results from different sentiment methodes

现在,我们继续前进,而不是考虑《卫报》的新闻文章,而是要考虑推文及其情绪。我们只想考虑与拜耳有关的推文,我们首先对拜耳发布的推文进行爬网(即一次可通过REST API获得的推文)。对于此,必须指定一组密钥和令牌。我这样做,然后将值存储到变量“ consumer_key”,“ consumer_secret”,“ access_token”和“ access_secret”。使用这些键,我现在可以访问Bayers tweet时间轴。但是,只有最新的tweet才可以通过R中Twitter的twitteR软件包的开放和免费功能获得。

twitter_df <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=2))
colnames(twitter_df) <- c("text","created")
setup_twitter_oauth(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_secret)
## [1] "Using direct authentication"
timeline_ls <- twitteR::userTimeline("Bayer",n=200000)
twitter_df = rbind(twitter_df,select(twitteR::twListToDF(timeline_ls),text,created))
twitter_df$date <- as.Date(twitter_df$created)

cleaningfunction <- function(x){
  return(gsub("[^[:alnum:][:blank:]?&/\\-]", "", x))
twitter_df$text <- as.character(lapply(twitter_df$text,cleaningfunction))

twitter_df$sentiment <- (analyzeSentiment(twitter_df$text)$SentimentGI+analyzeSentiment(twitter_df$text)$SentimentHE+analyzeSentiment(twitter_df$text)$SentimentLM+analyzeSentiment(twitter_df$text)$SentimentQDAP)/4

ggplot(twitter_df) + geom_smooth(mapping=aes(x=date,y = sentiment)) + ggtitle("Avg. daily sentiment of BAYER tweets") +
  xlab("Time") +
  ylab("Sentiment score")
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'
Digital trace data streaming - avg daily sentiment of most recent Bayer tweets

现在,我搜寻Twitter的搜索功能,以查找提及拜耳的推文-不管推文作者是什么。通过wittR软件包可访问的REST API仅提供最新的tweet。

twitter_df <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=2))
colnames(twitter_df) <- c("text","created")
search_ls <- twitteR::searchTwitter("@Bayer",n=20000,retryOnRateLimit = 1000000)
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999999 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999998 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999997 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999996 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999995 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999994 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999993 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999992 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999991 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999990 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999989 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999988 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999987 times ..."
## [1] "Rate limited .... blocking for a minute and retrying up to 999986 times ..."
twitter_df = rbind(twitter_df,select(twitteR::twListToDF(search_ls),text,created))
twitter_df$date <- as.Date(twitter_df$created)

twitter_df$text <- as.character(lapply(twitter_df$text,cleaningfunction))

twitter_df$sentiment <- (analyzeSentiment(twitter_df$text)$SentimentGI+analyzeSentiment(twitter_df$text)$SentimentHE+analyzeSentiment(twitter_df$text)$SentimentLM+analyzeSentiment(twitter_df$text)$SentimentQDAP)/4

twitter_df <- twitter_df %>% group_by(date) %>% summarize(meanSentiment=mean(sentiment))
ggplot(twitter_df) + geom_line(mapping=aes(x=date,y = meanSentiment)) + 
  ggtitle("Mean sentiment of reply tweets to BAYER") +
  xlab("Time") +
  ylab("Sentiment score")
Digital trace data streaming - sentiment of most recent Bayer tweets

我感兴趣的还有另一个数据源。我想看看Google对“ Bayer”一词的搜索强度是如何随着时间变化的。

google_df <- gtrends(keyword = "Bayer AG",time="2010-01-01 2019-05-20")
google_df <- google_df$interest_over_time %>% select(date,hits)
google_df$date  <- as.Date(google_df$date)
google_df$hits <- as.numeric(google_df$hits)

#直观地显示“ Bayer AG”在Google搜索中的趋势
ggplot(google_df) + geom_line(mapping=aes(x=date,y=hits)) + ggtitle("Google search intensity index for BAYER") +
  xlab("Time") +
  ylab("Google trends score (normed, MAX=100)")
Digital trace data streaming - Google search intensity for Bayer search term


feature_scaling <- function(x){
#---设置财务df ---
## 'getSymbols' currently uses auto.assign=TRUE by default, but will
## use auto.assign=FALSE in 0.5-0. You will still be able to use
## 'loadSymbols' to automatically load data. getOption("getSymbols.env")
## and getOption("getSymbols.auto.assign") will still be checked for
## alternate defaults.
## This message is shown once per session and may be disabled by setting 
## options("getSymbols.warning4.0"=FALSE). See ?getSymbols for details.
## WARNING: There have been significant changes to Yahoo Finance data.
## Please see the Warning section of '?getSymbols.yahoo' for details.
## This message is shown once per session and may be disabled by setting
## options("getSymbols.yahoo.warning"=FALSE).
## [1] "BAYN.DE"
finance_df <- as.data.frame(BAYN.DE)
finance_df$source = rep("quantmod",nrow(finance_df))
finance_df$date <- as.Date(rownames(finance_df))
finance_df <- finance_df %>% select(date,BAYN.DE.Adjusted,source)
colnames(finance_df) <- c("date","value","source")
finance_df$value <- feature_scaling(finance_df$value)
#---建立监护人情绪df ---
guardianSenti_df <- dplyr::filter(plotable_df,type=="mean")
guardianSenti_df$source <- rep("guardian",nrow(guardianSenti_df))
guardianSenti_df$date <- as.Date(guardianSenti_df$date)
guardianSenti_df <- guardianSenti_df %>% select(date,score,source)
colnames(guardianSenti_df) <- c("date","value","source")
guardianSenti_df$value <- feature_scaling(guardianSenti_df$value)
#-设置Google Trends df-
gtrends_df <- google_df %>% select(date,hits)
colnames(gtrends_df) <- c("date","value")
gtrends_df$date <- as.Date(gtrends_df$date)
gtrends_df$source <- rep("google",nrow(gtrends_df))
gtrends_df$value <- feature_scaling(gtrends_df$value)
twitterSenti_df <- twitter_df %>% select(date,meanSentiment)
colnames(twitterSenti_df) <- c("date","value")
twitterSenti_df$source <- rep("twitter",nrow(twitterSenti_df))
twitterSenti_df$date <- as.Date(twitterSenti_df$date)
# feature scaling
twitterSenti_df$value <- feature_scaling(twitterSenti_df$value)

combined_df <- rbind(finance_df,

ggplot(combined_df) + geom_point(mapping=aes(x=date,y=value,color=source)) + ggtitle("Timeline for BAYER data") + 
  xlab("Time") +
  ylab("Observation value (normed)")
Digital trace data streaming - historical values for all relevant observation topcis


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