What is a routing?
- A routing is a type of master data
- It describes how certain inputs (e.g. material) are transformed into a certain output (e.g. material), through defined operations
- A routing also defines the work centers and PRTs (production resources and tools) required for conducting the defined sequence of operations
- In addition, the routing also comprises standard values and times for the process steps defined in the routing
Steps for creating a routing
- Identify initial work piece / item
- Define sequence of operations
- Assigning machine required for operations
- Assigning PRTs (production resources and tools)
Approaches to routing creation
Regenerative planning: Non-standardized work pieces. No re-use of routings. | Adaptive planning: Partly standardized work pieces. Addition, deletion & replacement of operations. |
Variant planning: Component families. Variation of parameters. | Repetitive planning: Standardized product range. Complete re-use of routings. |
Routing types
Routing: Describes production of a material. Various routings for same material, e.g. for lot size ranges. Can copy reference operation sets to minimize maintenance/creation effort. | Reference operation set: Sequence of operation frequently repeated in a production cycle. Can be referred to or copied when needed. Works as a template in routings. A change in the reference operation set adjusts all routings referencing it. |
Rate routing: Constant reference time and variable production quantity. Describes quantity to produce within given time period. Production rates are maintained for each operation in the routing. | Reference rate routing: A template for rate routings. Similar to reference operation sets. |
Routing vs. rate routing
Used for discrete manufacturing. Has set-up times. Times (e.g. machine time) are specified on fix, defined base quantity. Used for order based costing. Created with TC CA01. | Used for repetitive manufacturing. Does not have set-up times. Times (e.g. machine time) fixed and the quantities can be specified. This results in ratesUsed for period based costing. Created with TC CA21. |

Data scientist focusing on simulation, optimization and modeling in R, SQL, VBA and Python
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