Single warehouse allocator

$ 19,00


This downloadable zip-file is a virtual product that contains a Shiny Python app for running a app that reads in customer location data and transactional data logs (e.g. sales orders or shipping volumes), and calculates a heatmap for visual display as well as the optimal warehouse location, based on customer proximity (weighted by the transactional volumes), which is indicated with a marker on the map. See demonstration video below. The app can also be deployed on a server, for web-based access – without you ever having to touch the code. If you prefer such a solution, contact us via our contact form for techincal support.

This app can be used for visualizing spatial distribution of shipping volumes, sales orders, or similar – for strategic marketing or sales distribution purposes. The app can also be used as a template for client-specific customizations. E.g. multi-warehouse allocations, multi-echolon optimization problems, or other. For any customizations we will be happy  to assist you. Please contact us via our contact form for quotation.

Detailed downloadable product content overview

This downloadable virtual product contains:

  • Python file that contains relevant logic used by the app (i.e. is the library)
  • Python file that implements the Shiny app with server and user interface implementation
  • customer master data .csv-file as a template input-data file
  • transactional data .csv-file as a template input data file
  • requirements.txt file that lists all Python dependencies that you need for running this app

You can execute this app directly on your laptop, but you can also deploy as a web-application, running on a web-server. If you need technical support for this, please contact us.


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