In a previous post I provided an introduction to basics in AutoCAD. E.g. I introduced zoom in AutoCAD, pan in AutoCAD, overlapping objects in AutoCAD and unit display settings in AutoCAD. I also created a simple line object in AutoCAD.
In this post I will draw a simple polyline. Polylines can e.g. be used for drawing contour lines in maps or for drawing process diagrams. You could also drawing circuit line son a circuit board with polylines.
You can create a polyline in AutoCAD by entering the PLINE command.
You can select a starting point for the polyline and by default you can choose the next point to draw a straight line to the next point.
In that case, a straight line will be drawn to the next point. But you could also enter Arc and an arc would be drawn to the next point.
If, after e.g. having entered an arc you want to add another straight line, then enter Line and draw a straight line to the next point.
If your polyline is complete you can press ESC and your polyline is complete.
Data scientist focusing on simulation, optimization and modeling in R, SQL, VBA and Python
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