ProModel AutoCAD simulation edition

This is a very high level post, really a marketing post, to inform you about a brand new discrete-event simulation capability within the AutoCAD environment. The capability comes in the form of an AutoCAD Plug-in called ProModel AutoCAD Edition, developed by ProModel Corporation. Once installed, it is a menu item in the AutoCAD Ribbon:

ProModel AutoCAD Edition menu in AutoCAD ribbon

Design, simulate, and optimize your factory layout directly in AutoCAD

Quickly build a spatially accurate layout and process simulation model, almost simultaneously, all within AutoCAD, using Factory Design Assets and the ProModel AutoCAD Add-in. Then simulate the scaled model directly in AutoCAD with the click of a button. Finally, view results in the ProModel Output Viewer and easily make, test and validate layout and process changes in AutoCAD. Finalize the model, then view it in 3D with Inventor and ProModel 3D Animator.

If you would like to try this tool, you can download a free 6 month subscription to the lite evaluation version from the Autodesk App Store.

In addition you can purchase a subscription to the full version from the ProModel Store.

Basic procedure to build and simulate a model is as follows:

1. Create an AutoCAD layout using Factory Assets. Then build the process model using flows and other features from the ProModel Ribbon on the AutoCAD menu.

Design your Layout, then Build your Process with Flows using Clicks, not Code
Design your layout, then build your process with flows using clicks, not code

2. Press “Simulate” and watch your model run with animation in AutoCAD.

3. View dynamic model output metrics and run “What-If” scenarios. Compare and contrast your “What-If” scenarios in automatically generated reports that display the KPI’s which define an optimized system.

4. From the process optimization, make any required changes in AutoCAD, then simulate again to confirm the improved results.

5. Open the optimized model in Autodesk Inventor for a 3D model.

3D version in Autodesk Inventor
3D version in Autodesk Inventor

6. Run the model in ProModel 3D Animator.

Watch a 2 minute overview video to really gain an appreciation for the value of ProModel AutoCAD Edition

Watch a 6 minute demo video to see how easy this really is.

To learn more and to contact ProModel please visit our ProModel AutoCAD Edition webpage

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