In my most recent post on linear programming I applied PuLP for solving below linear optimization problem, using two approaches. Approach #1 was based on solving a sub-problem with one objective only first, then adding the optimal outcome of that problem to a second sub-problem that considered objective two only. Approach #2 is based on combining all objectives into one overall objective function, combining single objectives with scalar weights.
In this post I want to show an alternative approach for solving below multi-objective linear optimization problem: I will use approach #1, but apply weights instead:

The approach I now use is to solve the problem in two steps, where a sub-problem with one objective only is solved first and its optimal outcome is added to a second sub-problem with only the the second objective as a constraint. This approach has been demonstrated by before, but this time I will apply a scalar weight-factor to that constraint, considering the optimal outcome of sub-problem with 0-100%.
Starting with the first objective, the first sub-problem to solve would be the following:

The optimal objective value to above sub-problem is 30.
After having solved the first sub-problem, the second objective would be considered by a second sub-problem adding the optimal outcome to above problem as a weighted constraint:

Here is the implementation in Python, using the PuLP module and applying a step-size of 0.01:
# import PuLP for modelling and solving problems import pulp # import matplotlib.pyplot for visualization import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import pandas and numpy for being able to store solutions in DataFrame import numpy as np import pandas as pd # define step-size stepSize = 0.01 # initialize empty DataFrame for storing optimization outcomes solutionTable = pd.DataFrame(columns=["beta","x1_opt","x2_opt","obj_value"]) # declare optimization variables using PuLP and LpVariable x1 = pulp.LpVariable("x1",lowBound=0) x2 = pulp.LpVariable("x2",lowBound=0) # model and solve sub-problem no. 1 linearProblem = pulp.LpProblem("First sub-problem",pulp.LpMaximize) linearProblem += 2*x1 + 3*x2 # add objective no. 1 linearProblem += x1 + x2 <= 10 # add contraints from original problem statement linearProblem += 2*x1 + x2 <= 15 solution = linearProblem.solve() # store optimal outcome of sub-problem no. 1 into variable optimalObj1 = pulp.value(linearProblem.objective) # iterate through beta values from 0 to 1 with stepSize, and write PuLP solutions into solutionTable for i in range(0,101,int(stepSize*100)): # declare the problem again linearProblem = pulp.LpProblem("Multi-objective linear maximization",pulp.LpMaximize) # add the second objective as objective function to this sub-problem linearProblem += 4*x1-2*x2 # add the constraints from original problem statement linearProblem += x1 + x2 <= 10 linearProblem += 2*x1 + x2 <= 15 # add additional constraint at level beta, considering optimal outcome of sub-problem no. 1 linearProblem += 2*x1 + 3*x2 >= (i/100)*optimalObj1 # solve the problem solution = linearProblem.solve() # write solutions into DataFrame solutionTable.loc[int(i/(stepSize*100))] = [i/100, pulp.value(x1), pulp.value(x2), pulp.value(linearProblem.objective)] # visualize optimization outcome, using matplotlib.pyplot # -- set figure size plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) # -- create line plot plt.plot(solutionTable["beta"],solutionTable["obj_value"],color="red") # -- add axis labels plt.xlabel("beta",size=20) plt.ylabel("obj_value",size=20) # -- add plot title plt.title("Optimal outcome of sub-problem 2, depending on beta",size=32) # -- show plot

The results indicate that there is some range for beta where an increase in beta will not affect the optimal outcome of sub-problem 2, i.e. will not affect objective 2.

Data scientist focusing on simulation, optimization and modeling in R, SQL, VBA and Python
thank you… what about nonlinear optimization? pulp doesnt support it 🙁
Depends on what kind of optimization or problem we are talking about. Maybe check out nloptr for continuous problems. Also made a post on nloptr, however in R. Not Python.
What if I wanted to plot the value of one objective function against the other instead of beta? How can I put the value of the OF that is being looped in the df?
Thanks in advance!