- Parking lot simulator with simmer in R
- Backlog simulation of FIFO production
- Receival inspection simulation with simmer
- Simmer in R for discrete-event simulation
- SPSS, SAS and Stata data in R with haven
- Monte-carlo simulation for warehouse allocation
- ggplot2 animation with gganimate in R
- Commodity trade analysis with comtradr in R
- Spatial data visualization in Python and R
- Spatial data animation: ggmap & gganimate
- Importing SAV-file in R with haven
- Spatial proximity based clustering of customers
- Testing tidycovid19 data interface in R
- Geocoding spatial data with tidygeocoder in R
- Map-based scatter plots with deckgl in R
- Geocoding with osmdata in R
- Introduction to Leaflet heatmaps in R
- Output forecast with simple moving average
- CAGR-based forecasting in R
- Testing the coronavirus package in R
- OICA automotive output analysis in R
- EPA powertrain market share analysis in R
- Kaggle second hand car price analysis in R
- data.gov fuel demand data visualized in R
- Carsalesbase US vehicle sales analysis in R
- VDA time series data analyzed in R
- bls.gov hourly earnings analysis in R
- FuzzyLP optimization with sampled betas
- Fuzzy linear optimization with FuzzyLP in R
- Linear optimization with FuzzyLP and crispLP
- Transport volume analysis with OECD R data
- Domestic car production analyzed with fredr
- K-Means clustering on OECD data in R
- OECD GDP data analysis in R
- OECD R-package transport data in R
- Gradient descent in R, for non-linear optimization (nloptr package)
- Solving assignment problem with lpSolve in R
- Solving linear transport problem with lp.transport in R, using lpSolve
- Linear integer program in R with lpSolve
- Solving a simple linear programming problem using lpSolve in R
- Locating multiple warehouses at center of mass (using R)
- Proximity-based spatial customer grouping (in R)
- Cost matrix for warehouse location problem (in R)
- Assigning clients to nearest warehouse (in R)
- Locating warehouse at center of mass in R
- Coding a Leaflet Shiny App for drawing heatmaps
- Using deckgl in R for spatial data visualisation
- Map plots in R with ggplot2
- ggmap in R for map-based plots