In this post I will demonstrate the AutoCAD MLINE command for drawing multilines in AutoCAD.
I start by entering the MLINE command into AutoCAD.

AutoCAD will prompt me for a start point. After having selected the start point AutoCAD will prompt me for a next point.

I can either continue the multiline with another next point or I can complete it by hitting ESC on the keyboard.
As part of the MLINE command I can enter ST. This will allow me to specify a linestyle. But the linestyle must be created first. For this enter AutoCAD MLSTYLE command. Below window with existing multiline styles will appear. I clicked new and am about to add a new multiline style which I will name “DASHED”.

I specify settings for the new linestyle:

I now draw another multine with a lot of next points. Right after entering the MLINE command I enter ST and specify the style to be DASHED. This is what the result then looks like:

Data scientist focusing on simulation, optimization and modeling in R, SQL, VBA and Python
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