Simulation and its use-cases in mining industry

In this article, I expand on previous articles that I have written, explaining applications of analytics and simulation in steel making and iron ore blending. I highlight current challenges in mining industry and point out common applications of simulation in…

Tackling blending problems in mining industry

In my previous contributions I described the steel and iron value chain (see: Analytics in the steel production value chain), and how iron ore mining faces the blending problem (see: Solving the iron ore blending problem). In this article I…

Solving the iron ore blending problem

Iron ore miners maximize value for their shareholders. This effectively means that the total net present value of profits from iron ore mining and magnetite pelletizing has to be maximized. As the mine produces iron ore in different grades but…

Analytics in the steel production value chain

This article highlights use cases of advanced analytics (i.e. machine learning, mathematical programming, and simulation) in the steel production value chain. Steel products play an important role in our daily life, ranging from real estate construction, agricultural equipment, automotive parts…